Who we are?
The Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES‐UPM for short), founded in 1979, is the oldest active institution in PV research in the World. More than 60 people from different countries work in virtually all facets of Photovoltaics, from basic science to project development, from materials science to electrical engineering.
The Master’s professors have led key initiatives for the advancement of Photovoltaics, held PV efficiency records, led flagship research projects and produced top‐referred publications. Their educational activities include over one hundred Doctoral Thesis and pioneering teaching of Photovoltaics for undergraduate and graduate students.
Our teaching vision
At IES‐UPM we are convinced that real engineers, experts and leaders in any technology are forged in the real world. So our Master is a hands‐on experience from start to end.
In this respect, all photovoltaic infrastructures at IES‐UPM are available and used to provide a comprehensive learning experience for students enrolled in the Master.
During the Master you will produce solar cells using our solar cell manufacturing line; you will measure them using solar simulators in the solar cell characterization lab; you will characterize solar modules in our photovoltaic module testing station; you will rate the performance of real photovoltaic power plants connected to the grid; you will design, simulate and implement real PV installations, and you will use PV solar home systems to test smart grid strategies, among many others.
In summary, every single week during your master you will be engaged in practical labs to get a real grasp of some aspect of the technology.
In addition to this approach we also take full advantage of modern teaching tools and resources, and do use b-learning (through a dedicated electronic learning platform based on MOODLE), video conferences, on‐line seminars, to supplement classroom lectures and laboratory courses.