Carlos del Cañizo
Prof. Carlos del Cañizo is full professor at UPM, active in photovoltaics since 1994. He is currently the Director of the Instituto de Energía Solar. He has lengthy experience in the manufacturing and characterization of solar cells, and also in the field of silicon purification. He has participated in around 50 R&D projects, published more than 60 papers, presented more than 110 contributions in conferences, and contributed to 5 patents. He has been visiting scientist at MIT and Harvard Real Colegio Complutense in the academic year 2014-2015. He is co-founder of the spin-off company Thermophoton, created in 2021 to develop a novel technology for energy storage.

Antonio Martí Vega
Researcher at the Solar Energy Institute since 1987. He began his work under the direction of Prof. Gerardo López Araújo studying the limits of photovoltaic conversion. Together with Prof. A Luque, he proposed, in 1997, the intermediate band solar cell and, in 2015, the heterojunction bipolar transistor three-terminal solar cell.

Alejandro Datas Medina
Alejandro Datas graduated in Electrical Engineering in 2004 and received his doctorate in 2011. Since 2005 he has been a researcher at the Solar Energy Institute of the UPM, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He is currently an Associate Professor at UPM and researches in the development of thermophotovoltaic devices for energy storage applications. Author of more than 40 scientific articles and 5 patents, he has coordinated several European projects and is co-founder of a technology-based company that markets these systems.

Jose Jesus Fraile Ardanuy
Jesús Fraile-Ardanuy Telecommunication Eng. (1996) and PhD (2003) from Technical University of Madrid (UPM). From 1997 to 2010 he was Associate professor of at the ETSICCP-UPM, developing power system stabilizers, voltage controllers for wind generators and opening a new research line related to variable speed hydro generation. Since 2010 he is at ETSIT-UPM, where he leads a research group on electric vehicles, distributed electricity generation and Smart Grids. He is IEEE Senior Member and past chair of the IEEE Spain Section. Currently he is the Vice-Dean for International Relations and Corporate Partnership at ETSIT-UPM.
David Jiménez Bermejo
César Tablero Crespo
César Tablero-Crespo is Chair Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and researcher at the Institute of Solar Energy. His research is specialized in the study of conventional and non-conventional materials and new physical concepts and properties (electronic properties, optoelectronic properties, nuclear dynamics, structural properties, spin properties, etc.) with potential application to devices, and more specifically to photovoltaic devices. Among his research lines are intermediate band solar cells, solar fuels, three terminal heterojunction bipolar transistor solar cells, 2D materials, hot carrier cells, preovskites, etc.

Carlos Algora del Valle
Researcher on high efficiency solar cells since 1986, and teacher in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master since its creation. Chair Professor, Director of the Department of Physic Electronics, Electric Engineering and Applied Physics, and Head of the III-V Semiconductors Group devoted to the simulation, technology, manufacturing, characterization and reliability analysis of high efficiency solar cells. He collaborates with many research groups in the field of terrestrial and space solar cells. He actively promotes R&D and technology transfer contracts with photovoltaic companies.
Estefanía Caamaño Martín
Estefanía Caamaño-Martín is PhD on Telecommunications Engineering by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (1998), specialised in Photovoltaic Systems Engineering. She is researcher at the Instituto de Energía Solar and Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrónica Física, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Física Aplicada of UPM. Since 2011 she is member of the research group “Renewable Distributed Generation and Intelligent Control”, where she researches in the topics of PV distributed generation, self-consumption, active demand side management and the integration of PV in buildings and inhabited environments. She teaches in the Master on Photovoltaics since its creation, currently in subjects related to PV Systems.

César Domínguez
César Domínguez is a professor at the ETS de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial since 2015 and has been researching on PV systems since 2004. His PhD thesis at the Solar Energy Institute developed the first commercial solar simulator for concentrator modules, installed in America, Europe and Asia. He has been a researcher at CEA-INES (France) for two years and has performed research stays at Fraunhofer ISE (Germany) and MIT (USA). He is currently leading a research line on photovoltaic panels with concentrating micro-optics to reduce the cost and carbon footprint of solar electricity.

Ignacio Antón
Ignacio Antón is Full Professor at the UPM and Head of the Instruments and Systems Integration research group at the Solar Energy Institute. His research activity has focused on high efficiency photovoltaic concepts and applications and the development of characterization procedures, instruments and testing equipment for photovoltaic cells, modules and systems. He has published more than 200 papers in scientific journals and international conferences, and participated in 80 research projects, in more than 30 as principal investigator. He co-founded Solar Added Value and Thermobat. He is member of the IEC Technical Committee 82, devoted to the development of international normative.

Pablo Palacios
Associate Professor at ETSI Aeronáutica y del Espacio. Researcher at Solar Energy Institute since 2001. His research mainly focuses on the theoretical study of electronic, thermodynamic and optical properties of photovoltaic materials using quantum chemistry and solid-state physics methods.
Rubén Núñez
Teacher of the Master in Solar Photovoltaic Energy since 2017, he is at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial of UPM. Prior to his scientific career he has participated in several projects in the private sector related to electronics, meteorology, sensors, telematics, system administration and programming in Spain and abroad. At IES he mainly researches characterizing and modeling novel photovoltaic systems such as CPV and VIPV and the corresponding solar resource. During his PhD he made a scientific stay in the Quantum Photovoltaics group at Imperial College London in 2014.

Ignacio Rey-Stolle Prado
Ignacio Rey-Stolle has been a professor at the Solar Energy Institute of the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) since 2003. His research interest is focused on III-V semiconductor multijunction solar cells, covering various areas such as their design, simulation, manufacturing, characterization and reliability analysis. These works have given rise to several solar cell efficiency records, together with more than 100 scientific papers in international journals and several patents. During the 2016-2017 academic year, Prof. Rey-Stolle was a visiting researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab at the University of California at Berkeley and since 2017 he serves as an area editor for the journal Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.

Iván García Vara
Researcher on high efficiency solar cells since 2003, and teacher in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master since 2011. Marie Curie Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA) from 2012 to 2015. He developed a multijunction solar cell with a world record efficiency. He currently develops strategies to widen the application range and the sustainability of the high efficiency solar cell technology. He is active in the transfer ot the technology developed and in the collaboration with international companies of the sector.

Benito Artaloytia Encinas
Professor of electrical engineering and power electronic systems since 1995. He is an expert in the design and protection of low-voltage distribution networks. His research activity has focused on the development of fuzzy control systems, multi-DSP architectures and the driving of three-phase asynchronous motors, direct current motors and stepper motors. He has been participating as a lecturer in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master since the beginning of the Master.

Daniel Fernández Muñoz
Project manager in different projects related to power systems such as wind and photovoltaic power plants, hydroelectric power plants, transmission substations and others since 2007. Operation research scientist since 2016 focused in power systems operation, mainly in the analysis of isolated power systems with high penetration of variable renewable generation and energy storage. Currently, his research interest is focused on the development of optimisation models for the operation of distributed energy resources and storage that participates in energy and reserve markets. He is a lecturer in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master since 2021.
David Fuertes Marrón
Graduate in Physics (UAM 1996), M. Eng. Sc. in Photovoltaics (UNSW, Sydney, 2000), Dr. rer. Nat. (FU Berlin, 2003). Researcher at Hahn-Meitner-Institut/Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin (HMI/HZB, 2000-2007). Ramón y Cajal researcher (2007) and tenured associate professor since 2010 (IES-UPM). Visiting researcher at HZB, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL, Braga) y Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MUESFV staff member since its first edition, currently Academic Coordinator. Area of expertise: PV-device technology.
Miguel Ángel Egido Aguilera

Lorenzo Olivieri
Associate Professor at the Department of Construction and Technology in Architecture of the School of Architecture and teacher in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master since 2018. Researcher on energy efficiency in buildings and Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) since 2010. He promotes a holistic approach to the inhabited environment in which architecture, construction, technology and energy are part of the same design concept focused on sustainability. His main objective is to contribute to disseminate the use of photovoltaics as a building material among architects, and the architectural requirements of solar systems among photovoltaic engineers.
Pablo García Linares
Telecommunications Engineer from the UPM and Electronic Engineer from the French ENSEA. Researcher in high-efficiency solar cells at IES-UPM since 2006 and associate professor in the area of electronics at ETSIDI-UPM since 2017. Doctor in photovoltaic solar energy since 2012, he worked in concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) at the French National Institute of Solar Energy until 2015, year in which he received a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship to return to Spain. He currently researches on the development of thermophotovoltaics and energy storage strategies. In 2018 he received the Research Activity Projection award from UPM.
Rebeca Herrero
Rebeca Herrero is an associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Automatic Control and Applied Physics of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She focuses her research on developing of novel high-efficiency photovoltaic concepts able to reduce the cost of solar electricity, notably through the design, prototyping and characterization of concentrator and integration of photovoltaics in electric vehicles. She is currently involved in standardization of photovoltaics on electric vehicle, and participates with international companies and laboratories of the sector on the transfer of technology.

Elisa Antolín
Elisa Antolín graduated in Physics and has a PhD in Photovoltaic Solar Energy. She researches new types of solar cells with the potential to reach higher efficiency than conventional devices. She is also interested in emerging semiconductor materials, such as 2D materials and lead-free perovskites, that could be used to fabricate more sustainable solar cells.

Oscar Perpiñán-Lamigueiro
Oscar Perpiñán-Lamigueiro is an Associate Professor at the ETSIDI-UPM, involved in teaching and research of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Programming. Previously he was involved in several commercial and research projects related to photovoltaic systems in a private company. He holds a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (1999) and a PhD in Industrial Engineering (2008). His research focuses on the forecasting and simulation of the production of photovoltaic systems, the statistical analysis of the performance of large PV systems, the analysis of solar radiation (forecasting and spatial interpolation), and software development with R (packages rasterVis, solaR, meteoForecast, PVF).

Javier Muñoz
Javier Muñoz Cano is Telecommunication Engineer (1998) from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and Ph.D. (2004) from the same university. He is researcher at the Solar Energy Institute from 1998 and Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering School (ETSIDI-UPM). His specialization fields are power electronics and photovoltaic systems engineering.