NameJesús Heras
PositionTechnical Director South West Europe

What is current occupation?

Currently I work at Wattkraft, a general European distributor and systems integrator for major international corporations.

I am Technical Director for South West Europe market where we are specialized in Huawei smart string inverters, Huawei BESS and system monitoring and the necessary telecontrol technology.

My main role is to communicate and train customers in regards of product details and specifications, product advantages, applications and benchmark compared to competitors. We support our customers providing optimized technical solutions and go together with them during commissioning and operation stages.

How has the Master impacted your career?

When I took the Master, I already had 14 years of professional experience, half of them working in Renewal Energy in engineering and field operations departments.

I decided to do the Master to reinforce my technical knowledge that would allow me to participate with better criteria in any type of technical discussion, including issues such as self-consumption, storage or crystalline silicon module technology that I hadn’t had the opportunity to see during my professional career that was specialized in Concentration PV (CPV).

Without a doubt, the Master helped me positively in my later career in the sector. Not only because of its prestige, but because of the knowledge and confidence I gained by mastering many of the areas of knowledge necessary for good job performance.

What aspect of the Master did you like more?

Undoubtedly the high level of the teachers: Professionally they are all great eminences of all the subjects and with lot of experience teaching. I would also highlight their human facet and the fantastic relationship they had with the students.

How do you perceive the future of the photovoltaic technology?

It is currently in very good health, being the cheapest source of power generation of all, but I think it has only just started to take off.

On the one hand, the large PV plants can saturate the connection nodes in Spain in a few years, but self-consumption supported by the electrification of homes and transport has a much longer term path.

The reduction in the cost of energy storage in batteries and the expansion of the grid transport and interconnection network with Europe will allow renewable energies to occupy a prominent role in the electrical mix that will allow us to displace polluting sources from it helping to tackle climate change.

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