marina delgado romero
NameMarina Delgado
PositionEstudiante de doctorado
CompanyInstituto de Energía Solar

What is current occupation?

I am a PhD student in the Photovoltaic Solar Energy program offered by the UPM.
My research consists of developing highly efficient photovoltaic laser power converters. Different tasks include my work as a designer, manufacturer, and characterizer of these devices. The technology of III-V semiconductor multijunction solar cells is in which these devices are based.

How has the Master impacted your career?

The Photovoltaic Solar Energy Master has highly influenced my career. It has given me the necessary knowledge to understand the photovoltaic industry, from solar cell manufacturing to its incorporation into a photovoltaic system.
On the other hand, I have understood how the electricity market works which was slightly unknown to me. However, I feel really interested in this field now.
Finally, it helped me delve even deeper into the semiconductors field as a materials engineer, not only from the photovoltaic point of view but for any field of electronics.

What aspect of the Master did you like more?

I liked the organization of the master. The experimental work has always complemented the theoretical one. It helped me to understand each concept studied.
I am also quite happy about the work of the professors. They have always given us their help and, they are experts in each subject they teach.

How do you perceive the future of the photovoltaic technology?

I believe Photovoltaic Solar Energy is the energy of the future in Spain (as well as in many other countries) due to the high solar resource we have. Not taking advantage of it would be a mistake.
I believe photovoltaic technology to advance every day, showing a promising future.
The hard work of researchers makes it possible. They show us by achieving higher efficiencies in solar cells, both from new materials and improving those already implemented.

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