Mario Martínez

NameMario Martínez
PositionPhD Student
CompanyUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid

What is current occupation?

I am currently doing my thesis on photovoltaic solar energy at the Solar Energy Institute of the University of Madrid.

How has the Master impacted your career?

I studied the Master’s because it was one of the few options that existed in Spain that was completely specialized in photovoltaic solar energy, both the branch more oriented towards electrical systems and manufacturing technology since my goal was to do a doctorate in photovoltaic energy.

What aspect of the Master did you like more?

The core part of the Master gives you an extensive knowledge of both installation design and the state of the art of the different technologies and it combines it with a lot of laboratory practice, so you learn by experimenting.
In this way, when you finish the Master’s, you have the feeling of having touched all the aspects within the chain of development of photovoltaic energy, from the first phase of manufacturing to the construction of a photovoltaic plant.

How do you perceive the future of the photovoltaic technology?

The installation of photovoltaic solar energy continues to be the leader in global installed power, and this trend will continue to be the same in the short and medium-term. In addition, from the point of view of the technology itself, it is a young technology, with a lot of development potential. Furthermore, it is modular, so photovoltaic solar energy plays it will play a crucial role in self-consumption systems.

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